Kickass torrent testament of youth
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Dating > Kickass torrent testament of youth
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A long, long time ago, back in the spring of 1914, they were so happy together. From War Horse to the Wipers Times, there have been quite a few films over the last few years that covered the horrifying reality of life in the trenches of Europe. I found this to be a well-acted and balanced presentation.
NO FOUND ONLY ORIGINAL RELEASE My release is always in double track audio italian and Original audio for select it use VLC or dvd player home not use wmp Generazione perduta - Testament of Youth 2014 Titolo originale Testament of Youth Lingua originale inglese Paese di produzione Regno Unito Anno 2014 Durata 129 min Genere drammatico, biografico Regia James Kent Soggetto Vera Brittain Sceneggiatura Juliette Towhidi Produttore Rosie Alison, David Heyman Fotografia Rob Hardy Musiche Max Richter Alicia Vikander: Vera Brittain Kit Harington: Roland Leighton Taron Egerton: Edward Brittain Colin Morgan: Victor Richardson Dominic West: Mr Brittain Emily Watson: Mrs Brittain Joanna Scanlan: Belle Hayley Atwell: Hope Jonathan Bailey: Geoffrey Thurlow Alexandra Roach: Winifred Holtby Anna Chancellor: Mrs Leighton Miranda Richardson: Miss Lorimer Vera Brittain vive in una famiglia benestante del Derbyshire: la ragazza ha un talento innato per la scrittura, ma il padre non vuole mandarla al college perché all'epoca l'istruzione delle donne passava in secondo piano rispetto alle esigenze dei maschi. Per questo motivo il fratello Edward ha avuto la possibilità di studiare in scuole prestigiose, mentre lei si è dovuta istruire da autodidatta durante la gestione del ménage familiare............... The pre-war campaign for votes for women failed. Testament of Youth - Generazione perduta 2014 BRrip XviD - Ita Download Torrent - Extratorrent. WWI was a seminal event.
Fortunately Alicia and Kit's performances met my expectations. In four short years British history was changed forever.
Testament of Youth - A writer but a pacifist as well. Vera Brittain's 'Testament' is now a recognized part of British culture and history.
Reviewed by CharlieGreenCG 8 Considered one of the greatest war memoirs ever written, the Testament of Youth is a true-life account of Vera Brittian's life from 1914 - 1918, and a chronicle of how the First World War affected not only her, but the nation's lives. One of the things that determines Testament of Youth different to other bloody, explosive and bullet-ridden war tales is that it is focused on the domestic view of the ones who not only joined the war on the front-line, but also those at home and the consequent effects on loved ones, offering an unseen perspective, and solid-account of the despair that war causes. Beginning in pre-war 1914, we are introduced to Vera Brittain, a determined and wilful individual with aspirations of not becoming just a traditional young-married women, but one who attends Oxford University and chooses her own life-choices. Along with her brother Edward Taron Egerton and his two friends Victor Colin Morgan and Geoffrey Jonathan Bailey , they all enjoy their youth in the rural village with their parents Dominic West and Emily Fox. On-the-road to Oxford, she is introduced to her brothers close friend Roland Kit Harington , and a relationship soon breaks out - but untimely, as does the war. Quite proud to do so out of loyalty to Queen and country, her brother Edward, and friends Victor and Geoffrey with Roland all sign up to the forces to assist. Against parental wishes to do so. Now at Oxford, yet unable to focus as this devastation is happening all around her, she joins the forces too, as a nurse - and the film develops from there. Given a world-premiere at the 58th BFI London Film Festival, the film is squeezed out in time for the Remembrance holidays and by-all accounts award season. Based on our criticism alone, it is going to be praised and remembered at both. Crafted by former TV-movie director, James Kent, along with the brilliant cast, Testament of Youth is a thoroughly engaging history drama in Downton Abbey-esqe war times and a unique approach to the war like never before. Reviewed by Bo Atdrinks 9 'Testament Of Youth' is a BBC film. The film opens with a maffick, but with one young woman being rather subdued, even dazed. Then in a clever scene, there is a Col. Blimp- style swimming scene. We are introduced to Vera Brittain, living in provincial comfort in Buxton Derbyshire, and struggling against social convention. She and her young male friends, all on the threshold of adulthood, are looking to the future. It is the summer of 1914 and the era is caught well and authentically. Love is in the air and as our story develops we get some nice Michael Corleone-style 'Sicilian' courting. In a small part, Joanne Scanlan plays the chaperon Aunt Belle. She delivers to the part the same depth that she did when playing Mrs Catherine Dickens in last year's 'The Invisible Woman'. Played initially for laughs, the chaperon takes a much deeper and more human role as Summer moves into Autumn. There is a station scene, much more dramatic than that in the recent 'The Imitation Game', because the trains are going in a different direction. Vera Brittain herself wrote of critics who doubted the authenticity of her account. Who are we, to measure the authenticity and depth of feeling of young lovers? This was their love, not ours! The reality of WWI, of course, can be easily measured and recounted. The film gets progressively darker as the war intrudes into the story. The darkest scenes of all are set in France. These scenes are grim and gritty, muddy and bloody. There are many poignant scenes of love and war. Vera Brittain's male companions are played well by a strong cast. The central character of Roland Leighton is well played by Kit Harington, Here however, his romantic side is much more subdued, than that in his role in last year's 'Pompeii', where he featured in what was arguably the most romantic kiss scene of all time. Appropriately, Colin Morgan who has previously played the role of Merlin, here adds some magic, in what is perhaps the most poignant scene in this film. Perhaps the most sinister-looking figure in the film, is the innocent-faced-looking telegram-boy, played by Xavier Atkins. A small but scary part. Pre-war Imperial Britain changed to the post-war era of Vera Brittain. The pre-war campaign for votes for women failed. The war forced women to do jobs previously done by men, to take up new roles and new responsibilities. Thus the post-war clamour for women's equality could no longer be ignored, and instead change started. The life and literature of Vera Brittain was an inspiration for the next generation, not the least being her daughter, the politician Shirley Williams. Vera Brittain's 'Testament' is now a recognized part of British culture and history. It is a long time since I read her book, but it seems to me that this film authentically captures the story in the book. WWI was a seminal event. It changed the lives of a generation. To understand positions taken before and during WWII, we need to understand the context in which these positions were adopted. In four short years British history was changed forever. So too for the world. This true story authentically captures the period and the resultant changes. Reviewed by crissgidas 8 Testament of Youth is considered one of the great war memoirs. The film is a true-life account of Vera Brittian's life from 1914 - 1918, and a chronicle of how World War One affected not only her, but the nation's lives. I had heard about this book during high school when I studied 20th Century History but never actually read it. After hearing that a film was to be released, with the ever stunning and awe- inspiring Swede, Alicia Vikander, playing Vera Brittain, I knew it was something to be excited about. Unlike the many films that have been made about both world wars, Testament of Youth explores the utter loss of not only a young woman who looses everyone she has come to love, but loss of those on both sides of the war. It focuses on the domestic view. The view of, really, an unseen or explored perspective on the despair that war can cause. I started to bawl my eyes out about halfway through the film and the tears didn't stop until well after the lights came up in the cinema. The film progressively gets darker as war becomes more of a presence within the story, with the most heartbreaking scenes kicked off by Brittain's loss of fiance, Roland Leighton Kit Harrington , and her transferral to the front line in France. There is no holding back in how disturbing of an experience it was for Brittain as we a shown first had what she dealt with. The film held together with strong direction and script along with a well performing cast of Kit Harrington, Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Emily Watson, Hayley Atwell, and newcomer Taron Egerton. It was given a world-premiere at the BFI London Film Festival in 2014, the film was released in time for Remembrance Day in November and awards season, in which it ashamedly didn't gain the recognition it deserved. For me, the film is as good as fellow war film and Oscar nominated, The Imitation Game. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a book to read.